H.E. Gina Ama Blay

Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to the Federal Republic of Germany


Ghana’s system of government is a multiparty constitutional democracy founded on elections by open and free universal adult suffrage.  All Ghanaians above 18 years are eligible to vote into office an Executive President for a maximum of two four-year terms.  A 230-member Parliament is also elected to unlimited four-year terms.

The main arms of Government are the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary each of which is independent of the other.

The Executive

There exists by constitutional provision Council of State that advises the President. Council membership is by both election and appointment. There is also a Cabinet which is chaired by the President. By constitutional provision, a majority of Cabinet members must be appointed from among members of Parliament (The Legislature).

By constitutional provision, in the absence of the President, the Vice-President acts in his stead and in the absence of both the President and the Vice President, the Speaker of the House of Parliament takes over the mantle of State.


Ghana has a pluralistic and highly independent media. There are over 50 newspapers, most of which appear daily, except Sundays and some holidays. Two (2) of the press houses that publish these newspapers are state-owned enterprises. There are twenty-three (23) approved television stations, among which is the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), the state-owned station with a national coverage. Some 125 frequency modulation (FM) stations and a number of cable television companies.

Foreign Policy

Ghana’s foreign policy objectives are geared towards good neighbourliness, the promotion and protection of Ghana’s interests for a just and equitable international economic system and social order, for the promotion of respect for international law and treaty obligations, settlement of international disputes by peaceful means as well as adherence to the principles enshrined in the charters of the organisations of which Ghana is a member state.  A founding member of the OAU, now the AU, Ghana is also a member of the UN, the Commonwealth, ECOWAS, and the ACP Group, to name only but a few.


The current Parliament is the Third of the Fourth Republic of Ghana, which came into being in 1992.  Parliament is presided over by a Speaker elected by Parliament.  A First Deputy Speaker and a Second Deputy Speaker who are both members of the House, but not from the ruling party assist the Speaker in the discharge of his duties.

H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

President of the Republic of Ghana

Our Address

Embassy of Ghana, Germany
Chancery Section
Stavangerstrasse 17 and 19
10439 Berlin, Germany
P: (+49) 30 54 71 49-0
F: (+49) 30 44 67 40 63
Please Click Here for Email with Subject

Embassy of Ghana, Germany
Consular Section
Stavangerstrasse 17 and 19
10439 Berlin, Germany
P: (+49) 30 54 71 49-50
F: (+49) 30 44 67 40 63
Please Click Here for Email with Subject

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