Investment Opportunities

Think GHANA, your Gateway to West Africa.

We offer an ideal environment. All sectors of the economy are open to foreign investment, and 100% foreign ownership is permitted. Also, we boast of the most stable political climate in Africa.

For more information, please go to the GIPC website.


  • MIGA membership and bilateral investment
  • Protection agreements protect your investment
  • Double taxation agreements
  • GIPC Act. 1994 (Act 478) guarantees 100% transfer of profits, dividends, fees etc.
  • Bilateral investment treaties (BITs)

Customs Import Duty Exemptions

There is customs duty exemption for the agricultural and industrial plant, machinery and equipment imported for investment purposes as contained in chapters 82, 84, 85, and 92 of the Customs Harmonized Commodity and Tariff Code. However, with the exception of goods imported specifically for the Educational, Health and Agricultural sectors, all import duty-exempted goods attract the relevant processing and/or other related fees or levies ranging between 0.5% and 1.0%.

Import duty

Import duty is imposed on vehicles depending on the type of vehicle. All motor vehicles with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1900 attracts an import duty rate of 5%. Motor vehicles of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1900 but not exceeding 3000 attract an import duty of 10%. Other vehicles of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3000 and those designed for traveling on snow, golf cars and similar vehicles attract an import duty of 20%.

Commercial vehicles

Commercial vehicles for the transport of goods such as trucks, tippers, and lorries attract a duty of 5%.

Commercial buses

Commercial buses with seating capacity of above 30 passengers, workshop vans, breakdown vehicles, mobile showrooms, ambulances, hearse, and motorbikes are exempted from the payment of import duty.

Type of vehicles

All the type of vehicles referred above attracts a Value Added Tax (VAT) rate of 12.5%, except ambulances, which are VAT-exempt.


Exemptions may be granted from payment of customs import duty and other related charges for any special equipment that is not zero-rated upon application to the GIPC.

Source: Customs, Excise & Preventive Services

Investment Incentives

Income Tax Incentives

Tax Exemption

  • Tax Holiday (from the start of operations)
  • Real Estate: The income of a company from a business of construction for sale or letting of residential premises is exempt for five (5) years from the date of commencement of operations.
  • Rural Banks: 10 years
  • Agriculture and agro-industry:
  • Cocoa farmers and producers – income tax exempt
  • Cattle ranching – 10 years
  • Tree cropping (e.g. coffee, oil palm, shea butter, rubber, and coconut) 10 years
  • Livestock excluding cattle and poultry – 5 years
  • Fish farming, poultry and cash crops – 5 years. Agro-processing – the business of converting crops, fish or livestock produced in Ghana into edible canned or other packaged product other than in their raw state 5 year
  • Agro-processing – the business of converting crops, fish or livestock produced in Ghana into edible canned or other packaged product other than in their raw state – 5 years
  • Waste Processing (including plastics and polythene) 7 years

Investment Opportunities

Resource-based activities in agri business, agro processing-fish, (fruit, vegetables, food crops and wood products): minerals processing of gold, diamond and salt; manufacturing and tourism

  • Real estate development
  • Information and communications technology
  • General infrastructure: agricultural and industrial estates, roads, highways, railways and ports
  • Health services delivery
  • Energy
  • Development, management and operation of export processing zones etc.


  • Graduated and reasonable corporate taxes
  • Location incentives: tax rebates for manufacturing in certain locations
  • Tax holidays ranging from 3 to 10 years depending on the sectors
  • Other tax concessions available
  • Custom duties exemption for plant machinery and parts thereof
  • Immigrant quotas are automatic depending on paid-up capital

Our Address

Embassy of Ghana, Germany
Chancery Section
Stavangerstrasse 17 and 19
10439 Berlin, Germany
P: (+49) 30 54 71 49-0
F: (+49) 30 44 67 40 63
Please Click Here for Email with Subject

Embassy of Ghana, Germany
Consular Section
Stavangerstrasse 17 and 19
10439 Berlin, Germany
P: (+49) 30 54 71 49-50
F: (+49) 30 44 67 40 63
Please Click Here for Email with Subject

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